Money in the Bible
- 1.) What was the value of two sparrows in Jesus day?
One piece of silver
One bag of salt
One mite
One farthing
- 2.) A man whose 10,000 talent debt was written off, failed to forgive a debt of
5000 talents
500 talents
50 talents
100 pence
- 3.) How much was Judas Iscariot given to betray Jesus?
20 pieces of silver
A Talent of gold
30 pieces of silver
100 pence
- 4.) The love of money is the root of...?
All evil
Many possessions
Much wealth
- 5.) Who did Jesus send fishing to get money for taxes?
- 6.) Who offered Delilah silver to find out the secret of Samson's strength?
The lords of the Philistines
The chief priests
The scribes
The Amorites
- 7.) According to Luke, the price of five sparrows was:
Ten pence
Five mites
One piece of silver
Two farthings
- 8.) For how much was Joseph sold to the Ishmeelites?
10 pieces of silver
20 pieces of silver
30 pieces of silver
40 pieces of silver
- 9.) As Jesus watched, how much money did the poor widow throw into the treasury?
Five farthings
Seven mites
Two mites
Two pence
- 10.) What prophet's sons were greedy, and took bribes?
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