Bible Quiz

Money in the Bible
    1.) What was the value of two sparrows in Jesus day?
           One piece of silver
           One bag of salt
           One mite
           One farthing
    2.) A man whose 10,000 talent debt was written off, failed to forgive a debt of
           5000 talents
           500 talents
           50 talents
           100 pence
    3.) How much was Judas Iscariot given to betray Jesus?
           20 pieces of silver
           A Talent of gold
           30 pieces of silver
           100 pence
    4.) The love of money is the root of...?
           All evil
           Many possessions
           Much wealth
    5.) Who did Jesus send fishing to get money for taxes?
    6.) Who offered Delilah silver to find out the secret of Samson's strength?
           The lords of the Philistines
           The chief priests
           The scribes
           The Amorites
    7.) According to Luke, the price of five sparrows was:
           Ten pence
           Five mites
           One piece of silver
           Two farthings
    8.) For how much was Joseph sold to the Ishmeelites?
           10 pieces of silver
           20 pieces of silver
           30 pieces of silver
           40 pieces of silver
    9.) As Jesus watched, how much money did the poor widow throw into the treasury?
           Five farthings
           Seven mites
           Two mites
           Two pence
    10.) What prophet's sons were greedy, and took bribes?
